Time To Sober Up

In this week’s sermon, Lead Pastor Chris Baker shares that we need to sober up for the biggest battle Americans are facing today – the battle for the very soul of our nation.

We see it around us every single day. And it’s time for the church to sober up.

The erosion of our society has been a slow process, but we’ve seen it accelerate rapidly in the past few years. This nation that we’ve all comes to know and love continues to erode…

and become more of a finger in the face of God.

The position we’re in today is because of what we tolerated yesterday.

The position we’ll be in tomorrow will be because of what we tolerate today.

In Daniel’s day, he saw a lot of the same. But the situation was much worse.

Four Things Our Society Is In Danger Of Losing:

  • The sense of remembrance
  • The sense of reality
  • The sense of restraint
  • The sense of respect

Cited Bible Verses:

  • 1 Corinthians 10:12
  • Daniel 4:30
  • Daniel 4:32
  • Daniel 4:37
  • Daniel 5:1
  • Daniel 5:2
  • Daniel 5:3-4
  • Daniel 5:5
  • Daniel 5:7
  • Daniel 5:13
  • Daniel 5:18-23
  • Daniel 5:25
  • Daniel 5:30-31

Presidential Quotes Cited In Today’s Message:

“Those who long enjoy such privileges that we enjoy forget in time that others have died to win them.

Freedom is never really free, it’s almost always bought with the blood of Patriots.”

– President Franklin Roosevelt
“A nation that does not remember what it was yesterday does not know what it is today, or what it is trying to do.

We are about a futile thing if we do not know where we came from or what we have been about.”

– President Woodrow Wilson

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