God Still Is Awe-some

Thank you for viewing today’s message, which is part 3 of our series “God Still,” titled “… still Awe-some.” Please read below for a summary of today’s message. Press play on the video above for a replay of the full stream.

The Days of Awe

  • Explore the concept of the “Days of Awe” in the Jewish tradition.
  • The Hebrew word “yare” and its meaning in reverence for God.
  • Reflect on instances of fear and reverence in the Bible.

The Challenge Of Familiarity

  • Familiarity can lead to a loss of awe.
  • The importance of recognizing when awe begins to fade.

Focus On God As Creator

  • The significance of recognizing God as the Creator.
  • Biblical references highlighting God’s creative power.
  • Encouragement to daily reflect on the wonders of creation.

Acknowledge God As Judge

  • Understand God’s role as a righteous Judge.
  • The biblical perspective on God’s judgment.
  • Recognizing God’s authority and judgment should inspire awe.

Recognize Our Own Sinfulness

  • There is importance to acknowledging our own sinfulness.
  • A proper view of our own sin can lead to a renewed sense of awe.

Practical Steps to Rediscover Awe

  • Practical suggestions for reconnecting with awe in our faith.
  • Embrace God’s majesty and wonder.

Thank you for viewing today’s message. Please consider this message a call to reflect, reconnect, and stand in awe of what God has done in your life and the lives of others. Please check out any of our other sermons for more thought-provoking discussions on the awesome things God can do in our lives.