God Still Provides Encouragement

Psalm 42 and 43

  • These two Psalms are interconnected, written by the Sons of Korah.
  • Despite their ancestor’s rebellion against Moses, God uses them.
  • Reminding us that regardless of our past, God can use us.

Psalm 42

Verse 1 & 2:

  • The picture of a deer panting for water is not a pretty one.
  • Thirst leads to dehydration, energy loss, and hallucinations.
  • The analogy highlights desperation and the need for God’s refreshing.

Verse 3:

  • The Psalmist expresses deep discouragement, crying until there are no tears left.
  • Feeling as if God is absent and circumstances mock their faith.

Verse 4:

  • Longing for better times, recalling how life used to be.
  • Desiring to be in the presence of God’s people to find refreshment.

Verse 5 & 6:

  • Acknowledging the weight on one’s heart and the struggle with discouragement.
  • The importance of refocusing on God’s faithfulness, even when feeling discouraged.

Verse 7:

  • Feeling like drowning and calling out from the depths of suffering.

Verse 8, 9, 10:

  • The emotional rollercoaster of struggling with discouragement.
  • The Psalmist knows God’s love is unfailing despite his circumstances.

Verse 11:

  • Repeating the need to keep hope alive despite the ongoing battle.

Psalm 43

Verses 1 & 2:

  • Knowing God is a safe haven and a rescuer.
  • Feeling abandoned and forgotten during difficult times.

Psalm 43:3 & 4:

  • Longing for God’s guidance and salvation while in darkness.
  • Desiring to be in God’s presence to exchange heaviness for joy.

Psalm 43:5:

  • Reiterating the need to keep pointing towards hope and victory.

A Fight Plan for Discouragement

  1. Freely Express Yourself to God:
    • Be brutally honest about your feelings.
    • God isn’t afraid of your pain or doubt.
    • Pour out your worries and stress upon Him.
  2. Incline Your Ear to His Voice:
    • Seek God’s voice even in despair.
    • Even in darkness, His promises are profound.
    • Jesus invites those heavy-laden to find rest in Him.
  3. Give Yourself a Good Talking To:
    • Challenge your negative self-talk.
    • Preach God’s promises to yourself.
    • Proclaim God’s faithfulness and protection.
  4. Hang Around the Right People:
    • Sometimes we need others to lift us out of despair.
    • Find people who can remind you of God’s promises.
    • Share your burdens with those who won’t allow you to wallow.
  5. Transfuse the Atmosphere with Praise:
    • Praise chases away the spirit of heaviness.
    • Even when it’s difficult, declare God’s goodness.
    • Rejoice in the Lord and experience His joy and strength.

Psalm 42 and 43 provide us with a powerful story of healing and transformation. Encouragement from God can help us find hope by repeating expressions of joy. You should rejoice in the Lord always, no matter your circumstances. God still provides encouragement through honesty, listening, self-talk, community, and praise.

Fight for hope, and let joy become your strength.

Thank you for viewing today’s message. Please consider this message a call to put up a fight against discouragement. Please check out any of our other sermons for more thought-provoking discussions on the encouragement God can provide us in our lives.

God Still Protects

Thank you for viewing today’s message, which is part 6 of our series “God Still,” titled “… Protects.” Please read below for a summary of today’s message. Press play on the video above for a replay of the full stream.

God’s Love and Protection

  • Matthew 23:37 is a poignant reminder of God’s love and longing to protect His people.
  • God’s love is active, protective, and deeply involved in our lives.
  • The metaphor of a mother hen gathering her chicks under her wings paints a vivid picture of God’s protective nature.
  • God’s love is not passive but calls us to come under His wings for refuge.
  • God reaches out to us, sends prophets, messengers, and His Word to call us back to Him.
  • We need to be willing to come under His wings and heed His call.

The Consequences of Disobedience

  • Disobedience is a rejection of God’s authority and wisdom.
  • Disobedience leads to separation from God and a hardening of the heart.
  • The consequences of disobedience can result in God allowing us to follow our own desires, which can be detrimental.
  • We must strive to obey God’s commands, knowing they are for our good and His glory.

Get Out of the Way

  • “Getting out of the way” doesn’t mean passivity but surrendering our control to God.
  • We can become so focused on our plans that we miss God’s divine intervention.
  • Surrender is essential. We must trust that God’s plan is better than our own.
  • Being attentive to God’s guidance and obedient to His lead is key.
  • Trusting in God’s plan and allowing Him to work through us is vital.

Closing Thoughts

  • The story of a mother hen protecting her chicks during a fire in Yellowstone National Park illustrates God’s sacrificial love.
  • Jesus gave up His life for our protection.
  • We should apply God’s protection through guiding, guarding, and gauging our lives.
  • Reflect on how well you’ve applied God’s protection in your life.
  • Consider whether you’ve been attentive to God’s guidance or if you’ve been sleeping at the wheel.
  • Remember the principles of guiding, guarding, and gauging as you navigate life.

Thank you for viewing today’s message. Please consider this message a call to accept the protection God can give you as you commit to living a life that brings Him glory. Please check out any of our other sermons for more thought-provoking discussions on the protection God has given us in our lives.

God Still Forgives

Thank you for viewing today’s message, which is part 5 of our series “God Still,” titled “… Forgives.” Please read below for a summary of today’s message. Press play on the video above for a replay of the full stream.

Metallica’s “The Unforgiven”

  • Discuss Metallica’s song “The Unforgiven” and its relevance to the theme of forgiveness.
  • Share personal reflections on feeling unforgiven at times.

The Wrong Direction in Life

  • Share a story about a concerned woman on the interstate to illustrate how people can be unaware they’re going in the wrong direction in life.
  • Highlight the dangers of pride and other negative outcomes when we think we’re on the right path.

God’s Unwavering Forgiveness

  • Emphasize the importance of recognizing when we’re going the wrong way and the assurance that God still forgives us.
  • Encourage listeners to pray and reference Romans 8:31-39 to emphasize God’s unwavering support.

The Ever-Changing Tactics of the Accuser

  • Share stories and analogies, including the snake’s betrayal, to illustrate how the accuser constantly changes tactics to hinder us.
  • Address the issue of depression and overcoming obstacles with God’s help.

Focusing on the Future

  • Stress the need to focus on the future rather than dwelling on the past.
  • Highlight the freedom and forgiveness available through Jesus Christ, referencing Romans 8:1-3.

Transforming Your Life

  • Encourage a transformation in thinking and recognizing the depth of sin.
  • Emphasize the importance of accepting God’s grace to revolutionize one’s life.

Sharing Your Testimony

  • Highlight the significance of sharing one’s testimony and living a life that brings glory to God.
  • Summarize the main takeaways from the episode.

Thank you for viewing today’s message. Please consider this message a call to share your testimony and live a life that brings glory to God. Please check out any of our other sermons for more thought-provoking discussions on the forgiveness God has given us in our lives.