Steal Back Your Joy

Father’s Day 2020: Resolution

Thank you for viewing our 2020 Father’s Day sermon from lead pastor Chris Baker. 

For more inspiration and spiritual guidance for fathers from Pastor Chris, please check out the following sermons:

Strike Back


In this week’s sermon, titled “Absolute,” Lead Pastor Chris Baker shares the story of Josiah, who was one of Judah’s best kings.

He made a very noble attempt at bringing the people of Judah and Israel back to the Lord. Jeremiah prophesied during Josiah’s reign and his words reveal that the national restoration to the Lord was very shallow at best.

Josiah was sincere, but the people by in large were not.

It’s like the kid whose mother tells him, “Sit down or I’ll spank you!” The kid sits down and then says to his mom, “I may be sitting down on the outside, but inside I’m still standing up.”
Jeremiah’s message makes it clear that while Josiah made Judah and Israel renew the covenant on the outside, inside most of them were still captivated by sin and rebellion against God.

True and lasting national repentance was Josiah’s aim, but the results were short lived.

Jeremiah shows us that sometimes hard hearts must be broken by punishment before they can be healed by God’s grace.

Listen to Pastor Chris’s full message as he goes through the entire story of 2 Chronicles 34, shares some of his personal testimony, and explains that we need to keep continuing to seek the power of the Holy Spirit if we are to become His empowered church in the days of NO ABSOLUTES.

Questions To Consider As You Listen to “Absolute”:

  • What must have gone through Josiah’s mind as he became king at 8 years old?
  • What kind of influences shaped his reign?
  • Which God of his father’s did Josiah decide to follow?
  • Could Josiah have decided to follow other things besides God?
  • Right after Josiah died, what do you think the people did?
  • Because we as a church need to be transformed.
  • Because we cannot afford to ignore His immediate presence.

Cited Bible Verses (Alphanumeric Order):

  • 2 Chronicles 33:10-17
  • 2 Chronicles 34:3-7
  • 2 Chronicles 34:35
  • 2 Kings 22:3-11
  • 2 Kings 22:23
  • 2 Kings 23:25
  • 1 Timothy 2:3-6

Thank you for viewing today’s powerful sermon. The Holy Spirit is moving, and we are grateful that you took some time to get in His presence with us today.

Check out our full catalog of sermons online to get more inspiration from Pastor Chris. You can also like us on Facebook or subscribe on YouTube to be notified of our upcoming sermons and live broadcasts!